Now, Next, Necessary

Tracee Theisen-Henny gives her proven method for helping creatives be more productive.

In this Course, you will learn the concepts and systems that will be a break through for you to Get Things Done and Do Something Great.  This is a "MUST HAVE" for the Productive Creative.  

  • We discuss Unique Challenges.
  • Explore the concept of Positive Accountability.
  • Teach the process of our NOW-NEXT-NECESSARY organizational tool (template download included).
  • Illuminate the practical application of on-going professional development and positive momentum.
  • AND, as a special ADDED BONUS, you can ask TRACEE questions directly within the Course.

The implementation of these concepts, tools and systems in your creative journey will help you plan, organize and complete projects to GROW your Productive Creative Portfolio.

We look forward to seeing YOU in the Course.

Ellen C.

"Tracee is the ultimate motivator and cheerleader. She has helped me take my studio business from a side project to a full-time front hustle!"

Emily P.

"Working as an entrepreneur can sometimes feel lonely and overwhelming and that’s one reason I think a good coach is so important! Tracee excels at helping music teachers build positive momentum and creativity. After a session with her I felt energized, focused and optimistic about moving forward in my business."

Becky G.

"I have shifted and transformed over the past 3 months That was what I needed. So much cleaner and efficient. Already such a relief for cash flow."

Get Things Done & Do Something Great


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